You're in an unhappy relationship, or your partner wants out - and you have valuable assets! Your ex-partner wants to change the custody arrangement, and they're taking you back to court—they want you to see less of your kids. No matter your situation- divorce and property division, custody, or parenting time- HillerLaw is here to help.

HillerLaw has created a standard of practice because there is no standard of practice in family law. There are minimum requirements for lawyers, but there is no agreed-upon way to practice, which creates confusion for you.

Family law is the Wild West. You do not know what will happen depending on the lawyer you draw against you and the one you hire. You don't know whether you're going to court right away or if someone will accuse you of child sex abuse without any evidence. Your wife may hire the most expensive lawyer in town to try to take a much more significant percentage of your assets than they are entitled to. Your husband may move in with his girlfriend and hide money overseas. You don't know If the court will do anything about it!

HillerLaw has created a high standard of practice for divorce and family law. We use this approach with every client we represent!

The goal is to keep the case from resembling the Wild West so that: A. No one can make anything up. - There has to be evidence, B. No one can push you into the "discovery money pit" - we go to court to limit discovery, C. Your 12-year-old child can't just decide not to see you; there has to be evidence that you are unfit or unsafe. D. You won't spend all your money on your divorce or custody case - Our goal is to limit every case's time, cost, and stress. E. You reconcile or agree on a custody plan, and if you can't - F. You get your temporary orders, discovery, and trial done efficiently.

At the first hearing, you and your spouse should decide on the following issues to keep your case from going out of control. If you can't agree, we ask the judge to decide:

  1. How long the case will take;
  2. Whether you should work on the marriage if one of you wants that;
  3. The total fees that can be expended, based on the size and complexity of the estate and the children's issues;
  4. What issues can be discovered, and to what extent (what discovery can be done, and for an order that there must be full disclosure) - What kind of evidence either one of you must produce proof of some nasty accusation to move forward with it; 
  5. Any issue that will prevent the case from being out of control, becoming a nasty divorce or custody matter;
  6. Any other issue that isn't against the law or public policy;   
  7. And whatever else it takes to reduce the risk of your divorce being out-of-control, stressful, and expensive.

Remember, we use this approach with every client we represent! 

Mr. Hiller is a Texas Family Law Specialist, a Brown University graduate, a family man with a wife and three children, & dedicates himself to serving you and your kids.